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Our Mission

“Turn Art into Bread

We utilize the Arts to fight World Hunger with an emphasis on creating food sustainable communities.


Our Approach

At Artists for Advocacy International, we are art professionals who create awareness about World Hunger and engineer pathways to Food Sustainable communities. We create art & hold events where we sell and display our work to help resolve hunger and food insecurity.

Learn More About Our Mission



Listening to the communities we serve. Together we create an action plan, budget, and completion strategy.


Create revenue streams by selling art that generates the resources needed to be Food Secure. Create, give, and build.


Monitor the food security of the area through local partnerships.

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Why Food?

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The Problem

70% of the global food supply comes from rural small farms, yet these farmers are some of the poorest people on Earth.


The Work

Giving people enough calories to perform daily duties reduces illness, raises test scores, helps breastfeeding mothers, etc

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The How

Using Art revenue to generate investment opportunities for sustainable agriculture locally and internationally.


The Result

Creating food security for communities that have been hobbled by food deserts, harsh weather conditions, and poverty

Hunger affects more than the body. It affects the psyche. It creates a sense of helplessness in the being. It makes us wild again. We know we can’t feed everyone, but we can feed someone. What if we could turn a photograph into a glass of water, or a painting into a meal? We know we can, and that’s why we are Artists for Advocacy
— Brandon Plain

“700 million people go to bed hungry each night”

*All Images sourced responsibly through community partnerships.

*All Images sourced responsibly through community partnerships.


Become an AFAINT artist and turn your Art into Bread!