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Artists for Advocacy!


Find talented artists who are “turning art into bread”! Buy their Art and a percentage of their choice will go to projects they support.



Artists by category: Photography | Paintings | Music

The essence and framework of AFAINT artists is dedicated to solving the issues of World Hunger and Food Insecurity by creating ART to fill your homes, offices, minds, and most of all your hearts.

Art 4 Food

Our volunteer artists made up of painters, photographers, musicians, etc, are featured here and are selling their work and giving a percentage of that sale to one of our Programs.

How It Works

  1. Click on the type of art you would like to browse and buy

  2. Scroll through various artists and pick their work to view

  3. Choose a piece of Art to purchase

  4. You will receive tracking and shipping information within 24 hours of your order, a thank you from the Artist and organization, and an update on our current Food Insecurity programs nationally and abroad

Artists by category: Photography | Paintings | Music

My Post (1).png

Follow us on Instagram at: afaint501c3

 More Artists Coming Soon!