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Our Mission

To alleviate hunger and malnutrition by building food secure communities using Art as an advocacy tool and revenue source.

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The Dilemma

700 million people suffer from Hunger worldwide. Hunger is the chronic condition of needing nourishment. Symptoms include an empty stomach, fatigue and dizziness, short attention span, and leads to deficiencies of micronutrients in the body. It impairs physical and mental development, reduces labor productivity, prolongs illness, and leaves people susceptible to contract diseases


In the United States, 1 in 6 people are malnourished and 1 in 7 people do not get enough food to live a healthy life. We underestimate the malnourished in the United States.


The number one victims of hunger and malnutrition are children. Malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality


Children who do not consume enough daily nourishment suffer approximately 160 days of sickness each year.

Producing Arts of Change

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Our Approach

We believe in listening to communities and empowering them with the tools they need to be food secure. Some areas need advocacy while others need immediate sustenance. The most vulnerable need both. This is where the Art comes in! We utilize our talents to create awareness about World Hunger as well as an investment tool to help communities farm, perform logistics, feed, and improve health dispositions. We’ll sell our Art online and hold events where we sell and display our work to fulfill our mission. We also collaborate with other organizations to promote advocacy, research, and social change.


Our Desire

Provide food stable environments through community partnerships worldwide.

Our Mission

To alleviate hunger and malnutrition by building food secure communities using Art as an advocacy tool and revenue source.

Tenants of our Talent

Listen to locals. Empower Women. Fulfill Promises.

See our current programs and which communities we are helping