Direct Effect

Ugandan Images sourced ethically.

Ugandan Images sourced ethically.


The AFAINT Direct Effect Program is our signature program that allows donors to have a Direct Effect on the Baganda Tribe in Kisanje District/Uganda.

  1. When a donor gives 50 dollars, their name, and city they are from, we link them to a family in the village.

  2. Then we video their Yamba (Swahili for Help) Bag being delivered to the family and informing them where it’s from.

  3. Lastly, we email the donor the video and interaction between AFAINT volunteers, the donation, and the community.

Each Yamba Bag contains enough food and supplies for 30 days. This bag includes maize flour, rice, beans, salt, sugar, and menstrual pads. These bags weigh approx. 20-25 pounds and covers a family of 4.

Donate Now and have a Direct Effect!


Kasanje Farm Initiative


Help us help the area of Kasanje Uganda enter into food security long term! Currently, on 2 acres of land we are empowering the Baganda Tribe with tools, seed, water, education, investment, and supplies to grow a variety of crops to provide at least 1,800 calories a day. Crops include root vegetables, greens, beans, and herbs. General Donation with an initial goal of $25,000 which includes:

• 2-10,000 Liter Water Tanks with cement and piping
• Remodeling the Storage Facility for food and supply storage (doors, fencing, labor, office, electricity)
